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I'm Back !
Friday, 21 October 2011 Hello Readers ! i'm back ! its been a long time tht i did not update my blog i passed ALL my exams and i am happy wif it . i am s pity of my bestfrend .. she did not get to promoted to sec 2 ..HAish ..thats all i wanted to say ...errm BYE :D So the romantic couple !!
Tuesday, 17 May 2011 WALAO they are so cute siarh !! ji hoo is so hansem !damn hansem ..and jan Di is cute ..actually they are korean people ..they act on a story called 'Boy's over flowers ' if u wanna watch it ..jus watch u all will like it ..the story is interesting and romantic ...sometimes i cried when watching the story because it is so touching and sad story :( ..i was dream that i wanted to have a boyfrend like him ...hansem ,kind, helpful ,caring and loving ..hmph ..*sigh* but sometimes when we are relationship wif someone , we will be going crazy and stress ..and then cannot cocentrate wif our studies ...haish and luckily too i have no BF ...hahah lawls siarh talking about relationship for what ? it only hurts us makes us cry ...okay chiao !! from : myself ZAWIYAH !! <3 thanks izyan :D
Monday, 16 May 2011 its cool huh this blog ? tngk larh saper yanq bhuwat ..IZYAN jugak yanq bhuwat lols ..i very appreciate siah what she is doing ..:D bdw , I FINALLY finish my EXAM hahah .. i am dmn bored larh seyh ..i miss my frens in lakeside ..sorry i have nohing to say today cause i am tired and dunnoe what to type .. so bye peeps !:) from zawiyah yaw !! Sunday, 15 May 2011 hallo. izyan di sini. zawiyah told me to make her blog more interesting. so, i just wanna say that sorry that i spammed murfiqah's cbox. since zawiyah told me to tag people, i tag loh. :p so yea, i'm damn freaking bored right now. haha. zawiyah, try to tag them daily so that they will tag you back. if not, your blog is not that interesting. try to update daily also. ok. bai :D tomorow mother's day !!
Friday, 6 May 2011 Besok mother's day larh seyh ....nk beli kan my mother aper arh ? hmmm ..i wanted to for her baju ..haish ,,tk der idea laen larh ..bdw , kan i am so damn bored .. i msg A****d ..kadang , kadang dier reply ...kadanq , kadanq tk reply ..boring larh ..darh larh tk leyh kluar ..dudok pat rumah ajerk .. dudok rumah my com puter and tngok tb ajerk ..boring sangat2 ..nk wat cam ner is exam ..smlm , i wake up late b'cos i thought tht dae there is only got malay oral only ..ruper ,ruper nyer ader paper 1 jugak ..i came there at about 8.45 siarh ..then i jumper mr singh , dier ck u go and take ur oral ..after tht come and see mdm maslini .,..lps oral jerk oi go jumper cikgu mas larh ..ingat kan kener marah and dpt kosong for my malay ..padahal she gave me the test paper and asked me to do ..i was so shocked and excited larh siarh ..naseb tk dpt zero ..okay larh tht all only larh i type for today bye peeps :D I Am Sick !
Tuesday, 26 April 2011 I am Sick of being sick ..:( lolol whta am i talkinq about ? darh lamer tk update niey blog ..haish .. tadyk tk py skolah ..boring jugakk pat rumah .makan ubat tid ur then my computer ..badan lemah2 ..bchk darh kene py skolah ..malas betol .. tp tk leyh malas nnt tk leyh concentrate on my studiea ..miid year exam pon darh nk dekat 5 may is the first exam ..i must work hard pchl i want to promote to academic ..i had proomised my parents tht i will do my best ^^ ...tukar topic larh ... skranq budak tuh darh sombonq ..asyik ahqu jer yanq kene start conversation ..i waited for his mcq seyh ..bhuwat buduh larh ..this thursdae ahqu tk leyh swim b'cos of somethinq and lagyk pon ader swimminq test ..part swimminq test jugak dier bhuwat hal ..haish dpt larh ahqu certificate :(( nk wat cam ner seyh //wasyed my tyme jer blajar tpy tk dpt amek test haiyo .. okayklarh ..hary darh gelap ..tander nak hujan ..janqan bnyk cakap ..nnty kene rotan heheh poem hahah ..bye !! yAyAh !!:)
Tuesday, 5 April 2011 Hellowh !!updating my blog ..smlm tk apdate pchl penat and i got NCC ..bdw kan ,smlm gerek giler siarh blajar scott ker blakanq pusing then semua oranq mcm 'huh' ?W TH hahah siow arh ...binqet larh ahdeq kecyk ahqu nie asyik nk maen game ajer ..'kak nk maen game ter kak' laslz ..ahqu nk maen fb ponn tk leyh siarh ..gilerh ahqu cm gyny ..i just dunnoe why HYM always want to tell fahna anythinq i message hym ? mcm complaininq siarh ...haiyo per larh wat bodoh jer larh ..tdyk baleq kol 3.30 cpt kan /? pchl mls nk lepak2 ..mcm semakin boring and penat ...okay larh my ahdeq sebok sngt nk maen game dier tkahbes byez2 my lovely bloq !!<3 |
Siti Zawiyah is my name. i'm born on the 27th of may. give me present also. i'm from juying secondary school. i don't entertain bitches and hypocrites people. they're really sucks. don't try to ruin my life. i don't act cute eventho i'm not that pretty. nobody is fucking perfect~ Izyan Fikriyah Murfiqah Anisah Feezyan Rubberband |